Marc's Place


E$LSZ - List Library Sizes

Start Command


Call Parameters


Return Parameters


What it does

Fills a file called E$LSZP in library E$LIB with the total size of the contents of each library on the system. The file has the following columns: 'Library name' and 'Size (in Mb)'. Each time E$LSZ is run, old data in file E$LSZP is overwritten with the newer data.

This tool is mainly used for a statistical comparison over a certain period of time of the growth of various libraries. If you want to follow the development only for a few libraries, you will have to create ODBC queries which only retrieve the data you want. You cannot do this with E$LSZ; it always lists all present libraries.

You can download the contents of E$LSZ directly into a spreadsheet or a local database table.


Here's a table wih some contents of E$LSZP after E$LSZ has run:

Size (in Mb)

QGPL 83,58203
QGY 5,83203
QHLPSYS 34,26172
QHTTP 0,08984
QHTTPSVR 29,70703
QICSS 60,12109
QINMEDIA 0,53906
QIWS 20,78516
QIXA 2,14844
QJAVA 80,98438
QJT400 86,70703

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