Marc's Place


FN_E$CUR - Retrieve cursor position

Inclusion in RPG source

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Input Parameters

##CURS (b1)
Field in the DEVICE data structure which contains a binary representation of the cursor when the display file returns data to the program.

Output Parameters

##ROW (s3)
Hidden field on a record-format in a DSPF which will contain the row number of the screen the cursor was on.
##COL (s3)
Hidden field on a record-format in a DSPF which will contain the column number of the screen the cursor was on.

What it does

Converts the binary value in ##CURS into two separate values for ##ROW and ##COL, which can be used to locate where on the screen the cursor was when a function key was pressed. Those two fields can also be used to position the cursor on the screen, by filling them with a valid row and column number prior to executing the EXFMT statement.


 * After user pressed F4
C                     EXSR E$CUR
C                     SELEC
C           ##ROW     WHEQ 4
C                     SELEC
C           ##COL     WHGE 10
C           ##COL     ANDLE20
C                     EXSR SUBR1
C           ##COL     WHGE 25
C           ##COL     ANDLE35
C                     EXSR SUBR2
C           ##COL     WHGE 40
C           ##COL     ANDLE50
C                     EXSR SUBR3
C                     ENDSL
C           ##ROW     WHEQ 8
C           ##COL     ANDGE10
C           ##COL     ANDLE16
C                     EXSR SUBR4
C                     ENDSL
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