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De Saint 0483 - De Saint trekt westwaarts

En weer eens een gedigitaliseerde Saint: De Saint trekt westwaarts

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download Download het boek vanaf mijn Dropbox account. Dit is een voor iedereen toegankelijke map.


MAD's Guide To Computer Language (1985)

25+ years old, but most of it is still oh so accurate!

MAD's Guide To Computer Language

De Saint 0171 - De Saint eist vergelding

De volgende gedigitaliseerde Saint: De Saint eist vergelding

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Put documents on your Mac in iCloud for GoodReader

If you want to store documents from your Mac in iCloud for, say GoodReader, there is an easy way to do this!

First step to take is to store a document in iCloud from within GoodReader.
Next step is to setup your Mac to use iCloud. You might need Mac OS X Lion for this to work.
The last step is to open the Library folder inside your Home folder. By default, this folder is hidden in Mac OS X Lion, but you can open it or make it permanently visible by using one of these methods.

Inside ~/Library you'll find a folder named Mobile Documents.
If all has been setup well, GoodReader's iCloud folder should be visible there. Inside that folder is a Documents folder. Simply drag a document into that folder and it is auto-synced into iCloud. You are then able to see the document in GoodReader's iCloud folder and download it from there onto your iOS device.


I have made an alias in my Finder window's sidebar to the Mobile Documents folder, so I have quick access to it.


DEC VAX cq. OpenVMS Help Pages

Just because I had them and I am cleaning up my collection of help-documents, I put these (open)VMS Help Library pages online. They are quite old, but I hope somebody finds them useful anyhow, since openVMS is still around.

De Saint 0419 - Kris-kras de Saint

En weer een gedigitaliseerde Saint: Kris-Kras de Saint.

Veel leesplezier!

Download Download het boek vanaf mijn Dropbox account. Dit is een voor iedereen toegankelijke map.

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