Displays the status of your jobs in a remote print queue:
o Current rank of your job in the queue
o Names of your queued files
o Job identifier
o Size of jobs in bytes
LPQ queue [ /ENTRY=n ]
[ /HOST=host ]
[ /PRINTER=remote_printer ]
[ /USER=user_name ]
2 Parameters
Queue for which you want status.
2 Qualifiers
Optional. Default: all jobs. You can specify a list of values.
Displays status for the specified jobs.
Optional. Default: host defined in the printcap file.
Displays status for the jobs you sent to the specified
host. This is the host you also specified in the PRINT
/PARAMETERS=(HOST=host) command.
Optional. Default: printer defined in the printcap file.
Displays status for the jobs you sent to the specified remote
printer. This is the queue you also specified in the PRINT
/PARAMETERS=(PRINTER=queue) command.
Optional. Default: all users.
Displays status for the jobs sent by the specified user. You can
specify a list of values.
2 Examples
Shows all entries in the LPS40_QUE queue.
Shows information about Job 4 in the print queue named MAIN_
3.$ LPQ PEACE_8 /ENTRY=(1,2,3)
Shows information about Jobs 1, 2, and 3 in print queue PEACE_
Shows information about user MILLER's jobs in the print queue
called 3RD_FLOOR_Q.
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