The OpenVMS System Management (SYSMAN) utility centralizes the management
of nodes and VMScluster environments. Rather than logging in to
individual nodes and repeating a set of management tasks, SYSMAN
enables you to define your management environment to be a
particular node, a group of nodes, or a VMScluster environment.
Operations that you perform from a local node are executed on all
other member nodes in the environment. The SYSMAN utility includes the
DISKQUOTA command set and the parameter setting functions of the
System Generation utility (SYSGEN). You can execute DCL commands
and other system management utilities, such as AUTHORIZE and AUTOGEN,
within SYSMAN.
More online help is available from the SYSMAN utility. To invoke
SYSMAN, enter the following command in response to the DCL prompt:
The utility responds with the prompt:
After you invoke SYSMAN, you can enter HELP or any of the SYSMAN
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