The OpenVMS Terminal Fallback facility (TFF) provides a table-
driven character conversion for terminals. The conversions are
transparent to the application (unnoticed by the application
software unless explicit inquiries are made). TFF can also
perform compose character emulation on input. Furthermore, you
can control which terminal keys are auto-compose keys.
One of the applications of TFF is to allow users with
National Replacement Character (NRC) set terminals to use
software developed with the Digital multinational character
set (MCS). MCS is essentially the ASCII character set plus 128
characters currently used by owners of NRC terminals around
the world.
You can use TFF functions through Terminal Fallback utility
(TFU) commands.
More on-line help is available from the Terminal Fallback
utility. To invoke TFU enter the following command in response
to the DCL prompt:
The utility responds with the prompt:
VAX/VMS Terminal Fallback Facility (TFF)
After you invoke TFU, you can enter HELP or any of the
TFU commands.
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