Marc's Place



 A tool to batch change file names

With this program you can prepend, change of append text to file names (not folders, only files). Drag lists of files onto the icon or window and when you are done, click the gears-icon in the toolbar to start the renaming process.

Download for macOS (UB)

Download for Windows (64bit x86)

Download for Windows (64bit ARM)

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List of files to process
In the left list, the original file names are listed.
In the right list, the new file names are listed as previews. Only when you click 'Process', the files are actually renamed.

To remove a file from the list, click it and hit the BACKSPACE or DEL (Fn + Backspace) key. The file is removed from both lists.

Drag & Drop
Drag a bunch of files to rename onto the text area in the main window.
You can keep adding files, until you click 'Process'.

macOS: You can drag and drop files on the application icon in the Finder or in the Dock, while pressing the Command-key, whether it is running or not. If the application is already running, the newly dropped files will be added to the current list.

To process your settings, hit ENTER / RETURN in one of the entry fields.

process 032The Process button processes all the files in the list.
reload 032The Start over button only resets the list. The other settings remain untouched.

It shows its progress via mac OS Notifications, which you can control via System Preferences:


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Download for macOS (UB)

Download for Windows (64bit x86)

Download for Windows (64bit ARM)

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