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 Install Lasso 9 (bèta; svn)

  On Mac OS X client

Go to for the latest stable release,
with a genuine installer:

2011: v9.1.4
2013: v9.2.4
2016: v9.3.1
2017: v9.3.2-b4

Parts of this page can be used as additional reference
material after the installation of the latest version.

The article below is based on Richard Taubo's article: Setting up Lasso 9 with SVN
and Marc Pinnell's article: Lasso 8 and 9 Side by Side on Same Server
and Bil Corry's instructions to install lp-lib
from which I copied a lot, if not all, and added my own findings.

Buy me a coffee-2

1.  First, remove old directories:

$ sudo rm -R /Library/Frameworks/Lasso9.framework
$ sudo rm /usr/local/bin/lasso*
$ sudo rm -R "/Library/Application Support/Lasso 9"
$ sudo rm -R "/Library/Receipts/Lasso 9"*
$ grep -i lasso /etc/apache2/users/* # should list only a possible lasso8.conf file. Leave it.
$ grep -i lasso /etc/apache2/other/* # could list a possible lasso9.conf file. Delete it.
$ grep -i lasso /etc/apache2/extra/* # could list possible entries in a vhosts.conf for lasso9. Edit the file and delete those entries.
$ grep -i lasso /etc/apache2/httpd.conf # should only list a DirectoryIndex entry

2.  Next, checkout the latest beta from the svn (if you get an error '-bash: svn: command not found', you need to install svn first):

$ cd /Applications
$ svn co lasso9_beta

3.  To be able to run lassoserver from everywhere, you need to define the environment variable LASSO9_HOME:

$ cd /etc
$ sudo vi profile

Add the line export LASSO9_HOME="/Applications/lasso9_beta" and save the file.

$ sudo vi csh.cshrc

Add the line setenv LASSO9_HOME "/Applications/lasso9_beta" and save the file.

$ sudo vi launchd.conf

Add the line setenv LASSO9_HOME "/Applications/lasso9_beta" and save the file.

4.  Exit all shells and reopen a new one. Type

$ set | grep -i lasso9

You should see the line LASSO9_HOME=/Applications/lasso9_beta.

5.  Next go into the Finder and open the folder /Applications/lasso9_beta/Installers. Unzip the file and double-click the extracted package. When that is done, go back to Terminal and type the following commands:

$ cd installers
$ ./makelinks

6.  To be able to run Lasso 9 from everywhere, create links to the executables in /usr/local/bin, which should be in your PATH environment variable.

$ echo $PATH

should give something like /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin
To create the links, type the following commands:

$ cd /usr/local/bin
$ sudo ln -s /Applications/lasso9_beta/LassoExecutables/lasso9 .
$ sudo ln -s /Applications/lasso9_beta/LassoExecutables/lassoserver .

7.  The installation of Lasso 9 for use from the command line is now ready. To test it, type:

$ echo 'date' | lasso9 --

This should output a date-time combo like 2010-08-29 14:47:47.

8.  Now configure Apache 2 so it can serve Lasso 9 web pages. As people found out, LassoServer (beta!) cannot run as a www-user which Apache 2 runs as. To configure the correct user where Lasso 9 should run with, type the following command:

$ chmod u+s /Applications/Lasso9_beta/LassoExecutables/lassoserver

9.  LassoSoft provides a configuration file for Apache 2 and I copied that file into an Apache 2 directory from which .conf-files are included. Usually these are users or other, but to check if these are used in httpd.conf, do this:

$ cd /etc/apache2
$ grep -i "*.conf" httpd.conf
Include /private/etc/apache2/other/*.conf

I got only one line output which shows me that only from the directory other all .conf files are included at once. So I copied the lasso9.conf file in there:

$ cd /etc/apache2/other
$ sudo cp /Applications/lasso9_beta/Installers/lasso9.apache2.conf ./lasso9.conf

Note: the newer, normal installers install a mod_lasso9.conf file in /etc/apache2/other/.
But since on newer Mac OS X Server installations, like mine for example (10.7.5), the directory /etc/apache2/other/ is not being loaded anymore because in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf is written:

   Include /etc/apache2/other/*.conf

Note the ! (not-symbol), which means that the file /etc/apache2/other/mod_lasso9.conf’ is never loaded; because this is a MACOSXSERVER. In such a case, move the file from /etc/apache2/other/ to /etc/apache2/sites/, where it will always be loaded.

Since I want to keep Lasso 8 running on this machine, I need Lasso 9 parallel installed. It should not take over Lasso 8 (yet). Therefore I changed the .lasso association in the lasso9.conf file into .ls. Edit the lasso9.conf file:

$ cd /etc/apache2/other
$ sudo vi lasso9.conf

Change the .lasso association into .ls at the AddType statement:

AddType application/

Next, look for the line starting with FastCGIServer and add the environment variable LASSO9_HOME (all in one line):

FastCGIServer /usr/local/bin/lassoserver -initial-env LASSO9_HOME=/Applications/lasso9_beta -initial-env LASSOSERVER_FASTCGIPORT=8999

Note: To change the extension for Lasso9 into .ls, edit the normal installed mod_lasso9.conf file and change the first line of this code:

<Location ~ "^.*\.[Ll][Aa][Ss][Ss][Oo]$">
   SetHandler lasso9-handler

into this:

<Location ~ "^.*\.[Ll][Ss]$">
   SetHandler lasso9-handler

Save the file.

Now add the .ls extension to the DirectoryIndex in httpd.conf:

$ cd /etc/apache2/
$ sudo vi httpd.conf

Search for DirectoryIndex and you should find this piece of code:

<IfModule dir_module>
   DirectoryIndex index.html index.lasso index.php index.htm

Add to the list, anywhere you like, but I advice before index.php, and save the file.

10.  Default, Lasso 9 serves only from the default web root, in this case /Library/Webserver/Documents/. For some reason, Apache cannot serve Lasso 9 pages from user's /Sites folders, without additional configuration. To enable this possibility, I did the following:

$ cd /etc/apache2/extra
$ sudo vi httpd-vhosts.conf

Add the following directives (note: you must add the virtual host localhost, if not there, otherwise things don’t work anymore):

<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName "localhost"
   DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents"

<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName "localuser"
   DocumentRoot "/Users/yourusername/Sites"

<Directory "/Users/yourusername/Sites">
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

Save the file.

Next, add the host localuser to /etc/hosts, otherwise your web browser starts to look for localuser on the internet:

$ sudo vi /etc/hosts

Add the following line and save the file:        localuser

11.  Let Apache check its configuration files:

$ sudo apachectl configtest

If all is well, restart Apache 2 (should start lasso9, now):

$ sudo apachectl restart (or 'graceful' if you're on a production server)

Check Apache 2's error log:

$ tail /var/log/apache2/error_log

Should list some text like this:

SQLiteConnector using SQLite: 3.6.16
Creating JVM
Registering Admin
Starting fastcgi server on port 8999
Lasso Server running in DEVELOPER mode

12.  To test if Apache can serve Lasso 9 web pages, create a file in /library/webserver/documents/ and in /Users/yourusername/sites :

$ cd ~www/documents/
$ vi

Paste this code:


 <body bgcolor="white">
 [loop(10); lasso_uniqueid;'<br>'; /loop]

and save the file.
Now call in a browser: http://localhost/ or from your sites folder, like for example: http://localuser/

13.  If you get an error from Lasso that cannot be found, go into Terminal and edit the Apache conf file:

$ cd /etc/apache2
$ sudo vi httpd.conf

Then jump to the end of the file and remove any old Lasso 8 handler directives

Add the following two lines to the end of the file, if they are not already present and active:

NameVirtualHost *:80
Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

and save the file. Restart Apache 2:

$ sudo apachectl restart (or 'graceful' if you're on a production server)

and try to call again: http://localhost/ to check if Lasso 9 now works.

14.  When there are updates for Lasso 9, just do:

$ svn update $LASSO9_HOME

15.  To enhance Lasso 9's functionality, Bil Corry implemented extra member tags, new tags or replaced existing ones with more or corrected functionality (all in one line):

$ svn checkout $LASSO9_HOME/LassoStartup/l9-lib

After a few seconds you see output similar to this:

A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-lassoapp.lasso
A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-keyword.lasso
A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-staticarray.lasso
A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-string.lasso
A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-bytes.lasso
A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-math.lasso
A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-integer.lasso
A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-map.lasso
A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-util.lasso
A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-date.lasso
A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-client.lasso
A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-decimal.lasso
A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-array.lasso
A LassoStartup/l9-lib/lp-l9-lib-boolean.lasso
Checked out revision 58.

Instructions and examples on how to use these are inside the .lasso sources themselves. Restart Apache 2:

$ sudo apachectl restart (or 'graceful' if you're on a production server)

and try to call again: http://localhost/ to check if Lasso 9 still works.

15.  When there are updates to l9-lib, just do:

svn update $LASSO9_HOME/LassoStartup/l9-lib

16.  The next step is to configure Lasso 9 Admin. Start a web browser and open the following page:


Enter a username and password:

Write them down, click Create and you land in the Users page:

17.  Next, configure access to the local MySQL database server. Click on the vertical tab on the left and choose Datasources:

Select the MySQLDS datasource and click Add host and fill in the required fields and click the Add host button at the bottom-right:

18.  Note that the username & password here, are those configured in MySQL - not Lasso. You can manage the MySQL server with, for example, Navicat:

19.  Now verify that the database connection works. Click on MySQLDS and then on the configured host:

You should see all databases listed below that configuration:


19.  To add a second host, click on Add host:

20.  Add the second host as in step 17. You get an Internal Server Error alert window. Click ok. The host gets added. In my case, I ended up with two:

one which was incomplete qua tables. I deleted that peculiar one:

21.  When the new datasource (DS) has tables with identical names as in a DS that was already present prior to adding the new DS, Lasso9 creates aliases the same way as it does in Lasso8: it adds an asterisk to the table's name. As with Lasso8, you can change the alias' name:


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