Software development, photography, jokes, ....


Sites by me

tas-logoTransportation Administration System
snoezelkussen-logo-kleinstSnoezelen Pillows for Dementia
ikzoekeenbegeleider-logoBegeleiders voor gehandicapten
Laat uw hond het jaarlijkse vuurwerk overwinnen
Betuweroute en Kunst
logo 50x50Hey Vos! Je eigen emailadres?
Kunst in huis? Nicole Karrèr maakt echt bijzonder mooie dingen
nettylogo2Kunst in huis? Netty Franssen maakt ook bijzonder mooie dingen

Hosting Favorites

ANU Internet Services
XEL Media


Google Translate
jQuery UI
YourHead Stacks API
Favicon Generator.
Password Generator.
Check HTTPS problems


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Marc's Place


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Alcohol warning mini-poster

I played around a bit on my iPhone with the various photo-apps and I came up with this mini poster:


It's free for everyone to use if you think you can attract someone's attention. Mind you, I have nothing against alcohol; I just get a bit sad that many of our new generation are over-consuming this stuff.

Nieuwe download links voor de gedigitaliseerde Saints, etc.

Bij mijn nieuwe hoster kost elke GB dataverkeer boven de standaard 15GB (I/O), 2 euro per GB. Aangezien het hosten goedkoop is, verplaats ik de downloads naar gratis aanbieders die geen datalimieten hebben. Het eerste slachtoffer is Microsoft's SkyDrive: 7GB voor nop. Daar kan ik heel wat kwijt en het biedt een public-folder die voor iedereen toegankelijk gemaakt kan worden. Dat heb ik dan ook gedaan.

Update 02-03-2018:
SkyDrive, Onedrive en Google Drive zijn wat mij betreft exit. Ik ben overgestapt naar Dropbox, en heb mijn Calibre bibliotheek daarin geplaatst. Dus ... ik heb alle oude links naar mijn gescande boeken vervangen door een shared Dropbox-link.

Alle zip's van de eerder gepubliceerde pockets waren op SkyDrive te vinden, samen met zip's van nog niet eerder gepubliceerde pockets.

Op dit moment vindt je via mijn Dropbox-links de onderstaande gedigitaliseerde boeken. Deze boeken zijn gewoon gescand, er is géén OCR gedaan, dus de ZIP's (CBZ is óók gewoon ZIP) bevatten enkel JPGs. Hoe je die kan lezen, beschrijft deze blogpost:

In Holland Staat Een Huis.cbz
Katholieke Illustratie 19400104 nr 14.cbz
Katholieke Illustratie 19400215 nr 20.cbz

Science Fiction:
1999 Was me't jaartje wel.cbz
Huwelijksexperiment op de maan.cbz
Kleine Science Fiction Omnibus 2.cbz
Universeel Experiment.cbz

De Saint:
De Saint 0037 - De Saint en het levende
De Saint 0041 - De Saint in de
De Saint 0083 - De Saint en de
De Saint 0170 - De Saint en de vliegende
De Saint 0171 - De Saint eist
De Saint 0342 - De Saint en de
De Saint 0396 - De Saint in het
De Saint 0419 - Kris-kras de
De Saint 0483 - De Saint trekt
De Saint 0510 - Saint Magazine
De Saint 0532 - Saint Magazine
De Saint 0533 - De Saint op de
De Saint 0549 - Saint Magazine
De Saint 0563 - Saint Magazine
De Saint 0564 - Saint Magazine
De Saint 0609 - En de zwarte
De Saint 0631 - Saint Magazine 9
De Saint 0743 - Gered door de
De Saint 1258 - De Saint keert
De Saint 1375 - De Saint en de
De Saint 1489 - De Saint en de
De Saint 1818 - Stuur de
Bekijk hier alle te downloaden Saint boeken.

Compact Cassette Inlays

We finally got rid of our Compact Cassettes and digitized some of them. Most of the inlays have been lost during the years, but a few remained and to preserve the memory I use the inlays as Album Cover Art in iTunes. Have a look, maybe there is one among the few that you can use.

Foto: Roots




MySQL Replication on Mac OS X

Last week I finally had the time to take care of a backup server and set up a database backup scheme. I chose to use the built-in MySQL replication tools since I do not have to replicate between different database brands. I described the steps it took to get everything up-and-running in 'Setup MySQL Replication'.

Fit an Apple TV 1 with a brand new 160GB disk

After Googling for a day I finally found everything I needed to get my Apple TV 1 (with no disk) working with a brand new Samsung HM160HC PATA disk. The whole process is described in 'New disk in Apple TV1'.

Foto: The Fence

The Fence

The Fence


E$-Library Manuals for AS/400 now online

Manuals for my E$-Modules and Functions for AS/400, iSeries or eServers are now online and searchable. I discovered a lot of typos and faulty descriptions in the old manuals, so the manuals included in the downloads have been removed. This way it is also easier to update them - and you can save them locally without my sidebar etc. by copying the contents and paste them into Pages or Word. Also, I added *SAVF files to the three major utilities still in use by me, which makes it installation on your iSeries a breeze.


I just edited the tag mv_timeMenu on tagSwap. Because copy/paste on tagSwap does something with line endings that makes much code end up all being on one line, I post the routine here too. Simply copy & paste.

  Creates a list of time values inside a <select></select>. Example:
  <select name="xyz" class="abc" id="def">
  [mv_timeMenu(-fromHour=800, -toHour=2300, -minutes=25, -selected=$db_value]
define_tag('mv_timeMenu', -optional='fromhour', -copy, -optional='tohour', -copy, -optional='minutes', -copy, -optional='selected', -copy, -optional='firstblank', -EncodeNone);
  local('result' = '', 'p' = 0, 'z' = 0, 'h' = 0, 'm' = 0, 'y' = 0, 'f' = false);

  if(! local_defined('firstblank'));
    local('firstblank' = 0);
  else(integer(#firstblank) <= 0);
    #firstblank = 0;
  #firstblank = integer(#firstblank);

  if(! local_defined('fromhour'));
    local('fromhour' = 0);
  else(integer(#fromhour) <= 0);
    #fromhour = 0;
  #fromhour = integer(#fromhour);

  if(! local_defined('tohour'));
    local('tohour' = 2359);
  else(integer(#tohour) <= 0 || integer(#tohour) >= 2400);
    #tohour = 2359;
  #tohour = integer(#tohour);

  if(! local_defined('minutes'));
    local('minutes' = 15);
  else(integer(#minutes) <= 0);
    #minutes = 15;
  #minutes = integer(#minutes);
    #result = '<option value="" ';
      if(#selected == '');
        #result += ' selected="selected"';
    #result += '></option>';
  // Calculate correct starting point
  #z = #fromhour;
  #h = integer(#z / 100);      // Take hours-part
  #m = #z - (#h * 100);      // Take minutes-part
  #y = integer(#m / #minutes);  // Calculate how many times the frequency fits

  // Calculate new minutes-starting-point
  if(#m == (#y * #minutes));
    #m = #y * #minutes;
    #m = (#y + 1) * #minutes;
  #y = integer(#m / 60);      // Calculate how many hours minutes-starting-point contains
  #h += #y;            // Add those hours to the hours-part
  #m -= (#y * 60);        // Subtract the hours from minutes-starting-point
  #z = (#h * 100) + #m;      // Construct new time

  #p = 0;
  #f = false;
  while(#z <= #tohour);
    #result += '<option value="' + mv_fmtnum(#z, '####', 'R') + '" ';
      if(!#f && #selected != '' && #selected >= #p && #selected <= #z);
        #result += ' selected="selected"';
        #f = true;
    #result += '>' + mv_fmtnum(#z, '##:##', 'R') + '</option>';

    #p = #z;        // Save previous time
    #h = integer(#z / 100);  // Take hours-part
    #m = #z - (#h * 100);  // Take minutes-part
    #m += #minutes;      // Add interval to the minutes to get total-minutes
    #y = integer(#m / 60);  // Calculate how many hours total-minutes contains
    #h += #y;        // Add those hours to the hours-part
    #m -= (#y * 60);    // Subtract the hours from total-minutes
    #z = (#h * 100) + #m;  // Construct new time


Foto: Glowing Cave

Glowing Cave

Glowing Cave

I created this poster on my iPhone 4 with the Phoster-app. The only post processing was to lighten it a bit, with Preview.
To view my original image used in the poster, click the poster.
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