Shell Helpt boekjes
Mon, Oct 30 2017, 18:06 Auto, books, Garage, History, Travel, Vacation PermalinkDankzij een zeer vriendelijke website bezoeker, heb ik nu ook de Shell Helpt-boekjes 14 t/m 23 (behalve deel 19) en een Motorfiets-special 'Wat je moet weten voor je op een motor stapt' in mijn bezit gekregen. Ik heb ze ingescand en aan de verzameling toegevoegd.
Ze zijn, net als deeltjes 1 t/m 13, ook individueel te downloaden als PDF of ZIP met JPG's.
Veel lees en download-plezier!
PS: Wie deel 19 heeft, of nog andere boekjes uit deze reeks, en deze aan mij wilt verkopen zodat ik ze in kan scannen, dan verneem ik dat graag!
Ze zijn, net als deeltjes 1 t/m 13, ook individueel te downloaden als PDF of ZIP met JPG's.
Veel lees en download-plezier!
PS: Wie deel 19 heeft, of nog andere boekjes uit deze reeks, en deze aan mij wilt verkopen zodat ik ze in kan scannen, dan verneem ik dat graag!
Fraudulent buyers on Marktplaats
Wed, Sep 13 2017, 10:26 Algemeen PermalinkI had an iPhone for sale on for €280. Last week a bid came for the exact amount. So I thought, hey, cool!
In a message, the buyer wrote that (s)he would pay asap via Paypal and 'add an extra €50 for shipping'. I answered the next day and asked where to send the iPhone to. The answer was 'abroad'.
Sidenote: communication was in English, not in Dutch. So duh, I knew it would go abroad.
The next day she asked for my Paypal name and again said (s)he would pay 'asap'. That was the 3rd day - so far for 'asap'.
I said that (s)he only needs my e-mail address for Paypal and I gave it.
A day later (s)he would be paying again 'asap' and asked again for my Paypal name. So I typed my name.
And I added that I would send the iPhone to the address mentioned in the Paypal-payment - whenever that payment would come.
(S)he answered 'yes' and that was it. Never heard of them again and the next day, the anti-scam robot of Marktplaats removed the fraudulent account and all their biddings.
So I googled a bit why someone would 'add another 50 bucks for shipping' and I came across the so-called 'overpayment scam'.
I know some one who works at Paypal as a security officer and I asked him what this exactly is and how the swindler would benefit.
His answer:
So, keep this in mind when you have a bidder/buyer who promises you all the money you want for an item you have for sale.
Read more about scams using Paypal here
In a message, the buyer wrote that (s)he would pay asap via Paypal and 'add an extra €50 for shipping'. I answered the next day and asked where to send the iPhone to. The answer was 'abroad'.
Sidenote: communication was in English, not in Dutch. So duh, I knew it would go abroad.
The next day she asked for my Paypal name and again said (s)he would pay 'asap'. That was the 3rd day - so far for 'asap'.
I said that (s)he only needs my e-mail address for Paypal and I gave it.
A day later (s)he would be paying again 'asap' and asked again for my Paypal name. So I typed my name.
And I added that I would send the iPhone to the address mentioned in the Paypal-payment - whenever that payment would come.
(S)he answered 'yes' and that was it. Never heard of them again and the next day, the anti-scam robot of Marktplaats removed the fraudulent account and all their biddings.
So I googled a bit why someone would 'add another 50 bucks for shipping' and I came across the so-called 'overpayment scam'.
I know some one who works at Paypal as a security officer and I asked him what this exactly is and how the swindler would benefit.
His answer:
The overpayment scam is where the buyer overpays for the item, then requests you refund the overpayment via wire transfer or Western Union (or a similar non-revocable payment method). Sometimes the payment is real, but uses stolen funds, and other times the payment is fake – i.e. the fraudster sends a spoofed PayPal email to the seller telling them they have funds. So ALWAYS check you actual Paypal account for received payments.
It could be the fraudster doesn't care about whatever it is you're selling and doesn't care that you're shipping the item to the victim, they may be only after the refund.
Likely the buyer was going to have someone pickup the item in person, and have you pay them the overage amount in cash. The payment would have been legitimate in that case because PayPal doesn't protect sellers if they don't have a tracking number.
The buyer can claim you did not give them the item, and if you handed it to them in person, you won't have a tracking number and PayPal will side with the buyer.
Never arrange to deliver an item in person, ALWAYS ship it with a tracking number.
Or if you want to do an in-person deal, refund their payment via PayPal, and have them bring cash when they pick it up.
There are a variety of ways a scammer can get you, so it's best to read through the rules and make sure you adhere to them to prevent losing seller protection from Marktplaats and PayPal.
It could be the fraudster doesn't care about whatever it is you're selling and doesn't care that you're shipping the item to the victim, they may be only after the refund.
Likely the buyer was going to have someone pickup the item in person, and have you pay them the overage amount in cash. The payment would have been legitimate in that case because PayPal doesn't protect sellers if they don't have a tracking number.
The buyer can claim you did not give them the item, and if you handed it to them in person, you won't have a tracking number and PayPal will side with the buyer.
Never arrange to deliver an item in person, ALWAYS ship it with a tracking number.
Or if you want to do an in-person deal, refund their payment via PayPal, and have them bring cash when they pick it up.
There are a variety of ways a scammer can get you, so it's best to read through the rules and make sure you adhere to them to prevent losing seller protection from Marktplaats and PayPal.
So, keep this in mind when you have a bidder/buyer who promises you all the money you want for an item you have for sale.
Read more about scams using Paypal here
Jean Michel Jarre 2016
Thu, Sep 07 2017, 09:50 Art, Event, Music, video PermalinkI finally got around to put my movies and photos of the Jean Michel Jarre 2016 concert together in a few movies. I uploaded them to my Youtube channel and embedded the links on a new Fotoshop-page .
This was really an experience - the music and the effects were amazing. I am a fan of his since the 1980's, so hey, memory-lane!
Using the 'burst'-feature of the iPhone, together with the app Burstio, I created some nice animated GIFs, which you can see all on the new Fotoshop-page.
This was really an experience - the music and the effects were amazing. I am a fan of his since the 1980's, so hey, memory-lane!
Using the 'burst'-feature of the iPhone, together with the app Burstio, I created some nice animated GIFs, which you can see all on the new Fotoshop-page.
Ofenkartoffel bei Le Café in Ingolstadt
Mon, Aug 07 2017, 09:56 Food, Restaurant, Travel, Vacation PermalinkAls wir in Ingolstadt waren um familie zu besuchen, haben wir ein restaurant gesucht in die nähe von unser hotel und sind bei Bistro & Restaurant Le Café gelandet, weil die eine schöne terrasse hat wo man draussen essen kann.
Die ambiance ist total ok, die bedienung war sehr freundlich und geduldig, und deswegen haben wir dort einen sehr schönen abend gehabt.
Ich wollte jetzt mal kein lappen fleisch oder wieder mal ein bauernsalat oder pizza essen, und so fiel mein äuge auf ein ofenkartoffel 'Barbecue'. Ofenkartoffel .. hmmm .. das war mal wieder was anderes und ich kannte das noch von früher, als meine mutter sie gekocht hat. Also, bestellt und es hat mich wirklich überraschend gut geschmeckt!
Also, wenn sie mal in Ingolstadt sind ist Le Café bestimmt ein besuch wert.
Die ambiance ist total ok, die bedienung war sehr freundlich und geduldig, und deswegen haben wir dort einen sehr schönen abend gehabt.
Ich wollte jetzt mal kein lappen fleisch oder wieder mal ein bauernsalat oder pizza essen, und so fiel mein äuge auf ein ofenkartoffel 'Barbecue'. Ofenkartoffel .. hmmm .. das war mal wieder was anderes und ich kannte das noch von früher, als meine mutter sie gekocht hat. Also, bestellt und es hat mich wirklich überraschend gut geschmeckt!
Also, wenn sie mal in Ingolstadt sind ist Le Café bestimmt ein besuch wert.
Hertebout bij Bommels' Eten • Drinken in Velp
Wed, Jul 19 2017, 09:54 Food, Restaurant, Travel PermalinkHet is alweer even geleden dat wij bij toeval terechtkwamen bij Bommels' Eten • Drinken in Velp. Het wordt gerund door een ex-slager die in zijn geboortehuis, waarin eerst een slagerij zat, een restaurant is begonnen. Wat een aardige en vriendelijke man!
En dat hij ex-slager is, dat merk je aan het vlees. Buiten in het zonnetje, op met kussens beklede houten banken, heb ik daar een fantastisch lekkere hertebout gegeten. Een aanrader!
Google Maps link
En dat hij ex-slager is, dat merk je aan het vlees. Buiten in het zonnetje, op met kussens beklede houten banken, heb ik daar een fantastisch lekkere hertebout gegeten. Een aanrader!
Google Maps link
[Repair] MySQL Upgrade on Mac OS X
Tue, Jun 27 2017, 10:40 Apple, Database, Mac OS X, MySQL, server, Webserver PermalinkSome time ago I did a MySQL upgrade without thinking ... that was not funny. So I retraced what I did to get the new version up and running and wrote it down as a sequence of steps to follow, when I need to upgrade to the next higher version.
I published these steps on the page [Repair] MySQL Upgrade (Mac OS X) , so they might be of help to you too.
I published these steps on the page [Repair] MySQL Upgrade (Mac OS X) , so they might be of help to you too.
ICSviewer 2.9
Fri, Jun 02 2017, 16:20 Calendar, Event, iCal, Linux, Mac OS X, programming, REALstudio, software, Windows, Xojo PermalinkThe ical/ics calendar file viewer ICS Viewer is updated to version 2.9.
What is new:
- New: Added an 'Export' feature, which exports to a .csv file.
- New: Added automatic save/restore of column checkboxes and decimal separator.
- New: Added column ATTENDEES.
What has changed:
- Moved LOCATION into its own column.
- No more rounding of hours. Hours are displayed with 2 decimals.
- Open and Save dialogs are now sheet windows on Mac OS X.
- When checking/unchecking columns or loading a new file, the chosen sort-column is now remembered.