Software development, photography, jokes, ....


Sites by me

tas-logoTransportation Administration System
snoezelkussen-logo-kleinstSnoezelen Pillows for Dementia
ikzoekeenbegeleider-logoBegeleiders voor gehandicapten
Laat uw hond het jaarlijkse vuurwerk overwinnen
Betuweroute en Kunst
logo 50x50Hey Vos! Je eigen emailadres?
Kunst in huis? Nicole Karrèr maakt echt bijzonder mooie dingen
nettylogo2Kunst in huis? Netty Franssen maakt ook bijzonder mooie dingen

Hosting Favorites

ANU Internet Services
XEL Media


Google Translate
jQuery UI
YourHead Stacks API
Favicon Generator.
Password Generator.
Check HTTPS problems



Marc's Place



Alle getoonde foto's zijn (c) MHE Vos, Nederland.

All shown photo's are (c) MHE Vos, Netherlands.

Below blog is created with the Blogspot.stack using the Categories-filter.

Hardware crash VM and invalid backup #crash #hardware #raid #backup

Due to a hardware crash last night of the VM where my virtual server is, eh was, running on, and a backup that occurred to be invalid, some recent files and images are now gone forever, unless one of the two failing SSD's can be recovered tomorrow.

So if you want to download something, and the file the link is pointing to, is missing, let me know.

I am now trying to get as much as I have saved back online.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

- -

Move The Creator 7 assets folders to Dropbox on macOS X #creator7 #laughingbird #dropbox #lbsoftware


When you use The Creator 7 to make logos and banners, you are bound by the software to use the folders
~/Documents/Laughingbird Documents/Logo Elements
~/Documents/Laughingbird Documents/Logo Libraries

I have got the solution to moving these two assets folders to, in my case, Dropbox and still use The Creator 7.

Installing SSDs in my MacBook Pro

Here's a picture of when I replaced a 512GB Crucial SSD with a 2TB Samsung SSD in my mid-2012 MacBook Pro, the MacBook Pro-series where you can still do-this-yourself.
I found it a nice sort of 'still life', that's why I took the picture.

Check / Identify which version of Mac OS X is on your Recovery HD partition

There is an easy way to check which version of Mac OS X is on your Recovery HD partitions.
Since you can have such a partition on each attached Mac-formatted disk, it's interesting to know if they are all up-to-date.
To find out how, click here!

Make a new folder inside a selected folder with Applescript

I wrote an Applescript with which one can create a new folder inside a current selected folder, or inside a current window or inside a folder containing a selected item.
You can read more and copy the code from my Scripting-page.

Switch from Microsoft SkyDrive or OneDrive to Google Drive

As of some days from now, Microsoft will reduce the free, personal OneDrive space from 15GB to 5GB. So I made the switch to Google Drive.

Update 02-03-2018:
SkyDrive, Onedrive and Google Drive are, as far as I care, exit. I made the move to Dropbox, and have moved my Calibre library there. So ... I have replaced all old links to my scanned books by a shared Dropbox-link.

If you find a link to a publication in my blog history which still points to SkyDrive or OneDrive, or Google Drive : please send me an e-mail with the faulty link.

Goodbye 3.5 inch floppy disks (follow up)

I moved the disk covers from the old blog post + some new covers I found to this separate web page. If you have some floppy covers that are not listed, you can mail an image and I'll add it to the collection.

Goodbye 3.5 inch floppy disks

I was cleaning up my IT-stuff, like cables, manuals and old software (a 2-yearly routine) and finally found no use anymore for software on floppy disks. I liked the diversity of the prints on the metal labels and found that a part of this IT-history that is now closed, could be saved. So I scanned a few:


More of these on this page!

If anyone feels (s)he likes to add some to this 'collection', feel free to email them to me.

Alle getoonde foto's zijn (c) MHE Vos, Nederland.

All shown photo's are (c) MHE Vos, Netherlands.

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