Software development, photography, jokes, ....


Sites by me

tas-logoTransportation Administration System
snoezelkussen-logo-kleinstSnoezelen Pillows for Dementia
ikzoekeenbegeleider-logoBegeleiders voor gehandicapten
Laat uw hond het jaarlijkse vuurwerk overwinnen
Betuweroute en Kunst
logo 50x50Hey Vos! Je eigen emailadres?
Kunst in huis? Nicole Karrèr maakt echt bijzonder mooie dingen
nettylogo2Kunst in huis? Netty Franssen maakt ook bijzonder mooie dingen

Hosting Favorites

ANU Internet Services
XEL Media


Google Translate
jQuery UI
YourHead Stacks API
Favicon Generator.
Password Generator.
Check HTTPS problems



Marc's Place



Alle getoonde foto's zijn (c) MHE Vos, Nederland.

All shown photo's are (c) MHE Vos, Netherlands.

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SetEXIFData 5.8

A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:


- When retrieving the date from the file name, you can now specify the time to use, if it's missing from the file's name, in the Date/Time fields. Also, if you process multiple photos with the same date immediately one after the other, you can use the Time interval fields to add or subtract hours/minutes/seconds or increment just the sequence number.
- You can now select an address from your Mac Contacts, via a pop-up menu to the right of the 'Geotag'-button, and then click on the 'Geotag'-button to get its GPS coordinates. When you select an address from the pop-up, it has precedence over entered Lat/Lon coordinates. Also, the checkbox 'Put address in comment' will automatically be checked, but can be manually unchecked.

- GPSLatitudeRef and GPSLongitudeRef are now also written. These values are needed while importing in, for example, Google Photos. Some of these photo-apps do not interpret postive GPS-values as default N and E.
- Interval time fields are enabled again after choosing the menu-option 'EXIF Dates or ...'.

SetEXIFData 5.7

A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:


- A pop-up menu with new choices: take the Finder's 'Date created' or 'Date modified' as the 'Date/Time original'.
- Moved the checkbox 'Retrieve Date/Time from file name' also into the new pop-up menu.
- Added an 'Auto-fill' checkbox next to 'Caption/Description', which also takes the filename and puts in the following (new) EXIF tags: Caption-Abstract, Description, ImageDescription, Title, XPSubject and XPTitle.
- 'Comment' is now also written to EXIF tag: XPComment.

- Preserve the File Modify Date/Time was ignored when renaming files.
- An endless loop was found when using a pattern with 'Retrieve Date/Time from file name' for which no more numbers were present.

SetEXIFData 5.6

A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:


- Crash: When renaming with %x and none of the preferred sequence number-fields could be found.
- Preferences: Not being able to select any of the 'SubSecTime*'-fields when 'SubSecDateTimeOriginal' was present in the Dates-list.

Tiled Canal at the Palace of Queluz, Portugal

Last year we went to visit Lisbon and its surrounding environment.
That's where we found the Palace of Queluz ... what a history it has!

The most stunning part I found, was the tiled swimming pool - I think it must have been used as a swimming pool also, instead of being just a simple canal.
With the sun in my back, a made a series of photos of one side of the tiled interior and stitched them together with Photoshop to create a big 'panorama' so you can enjoy this wall in its entirety from anywhere .
Of course you really have to visit the palace to indulge in its beauty.


SetEXIFData 5.5

A new version of SetEXIFData, my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey, is now available:


Due to an updated code environment (latest Xojo and latest MBS plugins), a few changes were needed.

- Show/Hide Info toolbar button is no more.
- The drawer-window used for previews is also gone. Xojo does not support these anymore.

- Each preview now opens in its own window, which means you can now visually compare EXIF-data of multiple images at the same time. All preview windows are automatically closed when processing or starting over.

- Increased the font size back to the system-default.
- The geo-tagging window doesn't close when 'Set startup' is clicked. Instead, the button is disabled. To set new startup coordinates, close and reopen the geo-tagging window.
- Implemented an improved map browser, which now uses webkit per default. It updates the map correctly while dragging or zooming.

Foto: Zonsondergang omarmd door bomen / Sunset embraced by trees

Sunset embraced by trees

Sunset embraced by trees

SetEXIFData 5.4

A new version of SetEXIFData, my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey, is now available:


- Added 'Set the File Create Date/Time to the Date/Time Original' which modifies the 'Date created' in the Finder.
- Added 'Set the File Modify Date/Time to the Date/Time Original' which modifies the 'Date modified' in the Finder.
Both settings use the first date found according to the order specified in under 'Preferences->File Rename settings->EXIF date fields search order'.

New (video files): - Video formats were not accepted by SetEXIFData, although EXIFtool can handle them. The following video extensions are now accepted: moov, mov, qt ,mqv, m4v, mp4.
A note to processing video files: the individual track-sections will not be modified, only the container. Video files only allow 1 keyword. The 'Extra camera info' is not part of EXIF for video files. No preview available in the drawer.

Fix (renaming files): - Fixed a crash with images with no EXIF dates and times at all.

Fix: - Fixed a problem with single quotes in a file's name.
- The drawer now closes when processing is started.
- Internal code enhancements.

SetEXIFData 5.3

A new version of SetEXIFData, my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey, is now available:


- Added 'Preferences...' menu-option.

New (renaming files):
- Added preferences with which you can set the search order of EXIF date/time and image number fields for renaming files. This way you can tell SetEXIFData exactly which EXIF fields to look for first, and if not present the next one, and so on.
- Added a preference where you can specify the minimum number of digits for the image number to use while renaming. Smaller numbers are prepended with zeros to match the number of digits you specified. For example, 15, formatted with 5 digits, becomes 00015.

New (geotag):
- Added a preference where you can set the default geo-coordinates to start with when you click the 'Geotag'-button.

- If while renaming files using '%x', no EXIF image number fields are found, '%x' will be replaced by 'minimum # of digits' zeros.
- Certain RAW formats were not accepted by SetEXIFData. The following photo extensions are now accepted: 3fr, ari, ciff, cr2, crw, cs1, dcr, dcs, dng, eps, epsf, erf, fff, gif, icm, jng, jp2, jpeg, jpg, jpx, mdc, mef, mie, mng, mos, mrw, nef, nrw, orf, pbm, pef, pgm, png, ppm, ps, psd, ptx, r3d, raf, rw2, rwl, sr2, srf, srw, thm, tif, tiff, vrd, x3f, xmp

Note: although now you can drag and drop certain RAW file types on SetEXIFData, not all of these are supported by EXIFtool for writing back to. Check Phil's site for the 'Supported File Types'-table.

SetEXIFData 5.2

A new version of SetEXIFData, my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey, is now available:


- Renaming a file without using any placeholders works again.
- When renaming a file, a minimum of 3 characters must be present in the 'Document name' field.
- Renaming with '%x' now formats sequence numbers below 1000 with leading zeros: 28 becomes 0028.

SetEXIFData 5.1

A new version of SetEXIFData, my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey, is now available:


As of version 5, SetEXIFData is now shareware.

If you have donated for SetEXIFData in the past, please e-mail me your Paypal transaction-reference and I will e-mail you your serial number. I am asking you to take action yourself, because email addresses on file are not always actual anymore.

- The link to Paypal has been updated to the new Paypal payment-links. You should now see who you donate to and what for.

Alle getoonde foto's zijn (c) MHE Vos, Nederland.

All shown photo's are (c) MHE Vos, Netherlands.

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